My First Post

Wow! This is my first post! so don't judge (:

To be honest, my life is actually just plain out procrastination.. and it sucks. I (usually of course) actually want to stay on task, but one thing leads to another, and sooner or later, I end up on a Buzzfeed page instead of doing my homework. Literally, I procrastinate at everythinggggg (homework obviously, texting back my friends, going to sleep, reading a book, feeding my dog, feeding myself, ect.) The possibility that I procrastinated even making this blog is also realistic and true.

Well, I'd just like to say that I hate that part of me: the part of me that'll never stay on task and which never does what I want it to do. Sometimes, in the middle of a math test, I just blank out and start thinking about something else, so then, I can NOT focus on the test once I'm back. It became really out of hand quickly a few times last year. Thirty, fifty, an hour flies by in an instant where I have no recollection of what I did in the past 4.1% of the day.

This is why my new years resolution was two things: to create a blog & to try and minimize the amount of procrastination per day. Personally, I just needed something else to do when I'm wasting my time every day which is somewhat productive, and I thought making a blog was the near-perfect solution because I can just spill out my thoughts.

Anyways, I will never know who reads my posts, but just know that I WILL be extremely inconsistent and my posts WILL be really really random (If you haven't noticed this post was pretty random throughout it).

I also procrastinated just making this post too so uhm yea but THANKS to whoever reads this :P



  1. one fresh slice of life blog coming right up! I can't wait for more posts :)


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