
Since school started a few weeks ago, I feel like I needed to talk about a social issue such as bullying. Growing up, I've always had the privilege of going to a suburban high class private school, so this issue has not been prominent in my life. This fortunate experience of mine has provided a unique perspective on bullying. However, I still have experienced it whether it be first or second hand. It's sad though how often cyber-bullying appears in social media. Society's stereotypes has set up a culture where we target those who don't live up to those expectations or try to change it. Luckily, many schools have begun to talk about this issue and raising awareness: Most of these events propose that you tell a teacher, parents, or friends, so that they can get the right people to help out, but I personally think that in order to bring about change in one's life, one has to stand up for him/her self.

Sometimes, you have to take matters into your own hand and take a stand against things that don't make your life happy! Ultimately, your happiness should be placed above all other matters in life, and if something is ruining that, you have to change it yourself instead of waiting for someone else to do it. It's a good life lesson to learn to take charge of your own life. Of course, if you want are being bullied, you should weigh in your personal safety, and if there is a risk, you should tell the principal because sometimes, telling your teacher and classmates may not be comfortable.
